Senior Summer Ambassador 2022: Day 7
Salem, MA USA
Log Entry by C Watch (AJ, Holland, Charlie, Felix, Cayden)
Thursday, August 4, 2022
We started the day off by doing the chores and having a healthy breakfast of eggs and potatoes. Before heading to shore we sailed around to get rid of our blackwater and slop.
The deckhands smallboated us from the Roseway to Salem; Andrew got lost at first but figured out the way when he saw Sienna going past him. We took bag lunches with us and ate under a bridge that was on the dock. It consisted of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a piece of fruit, and some sort of salty snack. The first place we went to was a Harry Potter shop. It was a small business and filled with enchanting items. Afterwards we all headed to Peabody Essex Museum and all went our own way in small groups.
The museum was very interesting and fun. It had all kinds of different art and hands-on experiences. Around 2:30 pm we gathered up and headed to Captain Dusty’s for ice cream, the sizes were really big and hard to finish alone. We slowly headed toward where the small boat was docked and ended up running into an old retired sailor, he was telling us about the 140 foot long schooner boat that he had sailed.
We had quite a bit of free time when we got back to the boat. Many of us used that time to go aloft if we didn't the day before. If you weren’t doing that then you were getting a 7-second shower from the freshwater hose. After getting back on deck and getting dried off, Meg had us split into two teams, “The Wellermen” and “Jorge”, the game we played was salad bowl. Salad bowl is kind of like charades but there are three different rounds, the first round you have to describe a word with no actions, the second round you couldn’t talk at all, while the third round you could only use one word that described the thing you were given. It was pretty tricky but very fun. For dinner we had mozzarella sticks with homemade marinara sauce and breadsticks. We had about an hour to get ready for the Swizzle. Swizzle is basically a talent show that everyone is encouraged to be a part of.
Once everyone's act was done we all enjoyed cake, celebrated A.J’s birthday, and had fun jumping and dancing around to music. We were all begging to be able to stay up an hour later than usual but the deckhands didn’t budge, it was probably for the best because a lot of us were tired.