Senior Summer Ambassador 2022: Day 6
Great Misery Island, MA USA
Log Entry by Garrett, Allison, Angela, Jovany (B Watch)
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
B watch started the day with soles and bowls as our chore. We split cleaning the heads and doing the soles among ourselves and finished in record time! After soles and bowls, we had oatmeal for breakfast. It was accompanied by a mixed berry reduction, pecans, whip cream, and brown sugar. The crew had mixed reactions with the vast majority loving it, but even the most hesitant crew members enjoyed it and found it to be intriguing. Following breakfast, we started to motor from Gloucester to Great Misery Island, while some of the crew finished dishes cleanup. Once we got to Great Misery, some people prepared to go aloft while others sat out on the bowsprit. We continued with this until lunch time. For lunch we had chicken nuggets with pesto pasta, peanut butter noodles, and chips. The watches then rotated off and on from dishes to allow the other watches to prepare the stuff they needed to go on to Great Misery Island. Once everyone was ready, we began to do small boat rides to the island. These were fun and went well! Following the small boat rides and once everyone was ashore, we started walking around the island. During our walk we got to see cool resort ruins, climbed a tree, saw water tower ruins, and even wild animals like deer. In fact, one of those deer even sat and we got to walk along the trail only 5 feet away from said deer. After this walk we reached a clearing and some of us played catch, some continued walking, some swam, and some just sat and chilled under the shade of a tree. When we were done with this, we started our walk back. We saw even more deer and got to enjoy some beautiful scenery. Once we were back from the walk, we started to small boat back. As soon as we returned to Roseway, some of us climbed aloft while others prepared for swim calls. Once everyone was back, we started our swim call which was super fun and allowed us to be super clean for the trip to Salem tomorrow. After the swim call we had delicious mac n cheese for dinner. The B watch was on dinner cleanup while the other watches helped make the boat more shipshape. Next we mustered and then split to finish The Pirates of the Caribbean. Although it did buffer a lot due to bad service, we did finish it! Then we went to bed. B watch had the 11:00 p.m. anchor watch and we gotta make up funny standing orders and do all of the standard anchor watch stuff like checking bearings. After anchor watch our day was done!