Brooks School (Day 4)

Vieques, Puerto Rico


Written by students Ainsley, Kayu, Cam, Veronica, Hugh

Hello!!!! We started our day off hot with a nice crisp 7:30am wakeup and went right to work. We had been told the night before that we would be pushing back breakfast and setting sail early and eating breakfast underway.

The wind was much different today than our first voyage with it being behind our back perfectly rather than going to the side. This seemed to help the sea sickness throughout the day and it was much more rolly and bumpy rather than side to side. Soon after we set sail, we had a lovely breakfast of hot oatmeal and coconut muffins to kick off the day.

After the amazing meal by our great chef Darcie, we started our 3 station rotation, which included learning to tie off ropes and new knots, active watch - this included setting out some fishing lines and doing a boat check - and finally R and R - which was a rest and relaxation period. The sail turned out to be longer than we had anticipated; it took about 8 hours to get from St. Thomas to Vieques.

The Denis Sullivan traveled 31 nautical miles to Vieques and everyone on the boat had a fun time changing sails through the day. We anchored for the first time this trip and got right into presenting our almanacs where each watch group presented either navigation, critters, or engineering reports. We got right into dinner next and then did evening chores and are now about to leave for a great night activity of Bioluminescence Kayaking.

-B Watch


Brooks School (Day 6)


Brooks School (Day 3)