Brooks School (Day 3)

St. Thomas, USVI


Written by students Aram, Ben, Jiyu, Kyleigh and Lauren

Today was crazy to say the least. We woke up to an unfortunate loss to our team as one of our classmates needed to return home sick. Nevertheless, we persevered through this devastating loss and ate Darcie’s muffins and goat cheese eggs. We proceeded to do our morning chores and make sure the boat was sparkling clean before we ventured off for the day. We packed our bags and got excited for the beach day ahead! Each of us choose delectable wraps and various granola bars to pack in our brown bags.

We got into the very nice Mercedes sprinter vans and headed to the top of the trail. We were dropped just beyond the trail head uncertain of what lay ahead of us. We strutted down the very steep muddy hill and encountered very strange millipedes. The rocks were slippers and there was enough mud to create a small city. Kyleigh got her face painted with mud thanks to Lauren. Many people had close calls, almost losing their shoes to the mud monsters. 

Finally, we made it to the beautiful blue beach. BBB! We placed our things down on our basecamp. Ben and Jack caked their faces and bodies up with sunscreen. Very divine! We then striped down to our bathing suits and took a refreshing dip. We made our way to the tiki hut where we took pleasure in virgin pina coladas and strawberry daiquiris. We also got food consisting of pizza and chicken fingers to supplement our wraps. Wow! So yummy! Then, we walked back to the basecamp and settled in. We took another dip then decided to lay down on the beach. It was not very long before our pale winter skin began to heat up and change colors like a chameleon. We continued to use most of the sunscreen that was available in the bottle.

We washed up and made it back to the vans and headed back to our luxurious Denny! For dinner Darci made a concoction of beef, turmeric, potatoes and peas that took a rare yellow color form. Nonetheless it paired very well with the hunks of bread. We cleaned up and got to work on our evening chores before getting a good night's rest to prepare for our sail tomorrow! Hope you don’t miss us too much.

-A Watch


Brooks School (Day 4)


Brooks School (Day 2)