Brooks School (Day 2)
St. Thomas, USVI
Written by students Amaia, Michelle, Jasper, Jackson
First sailing day, we woke up at 7:30, had some time to get ready, ate breakfast, did chores including cleaning the deck, bathrooms, and mopping the cabin floors, then we had a muster and learned about sails and some things such as lift and how it affects the sails. We took off a bit later than expected today because the engine on the mini boat was acting up, once that was figured out we rigged the sails and prepared to go underway. We hoisted sails, pulled up the fenders, released bow and stern lines, and pulled the mini boats up from the water.
We got underway and the waves were very tall reaching about 6 feet, the highest being 8 feet. This was our first time sailing so some of the students made videos on the go-pro to document their experience. Everybody experienced sea-sickness on different levels but due to their grit they pulled through for a successful voyage.
We sailed 6 hours from St.Croix to St.Thomas and saw some frigates and boobies (birds), 2 sea turtles, a rainbow, and some flying fish. We sang sea shanties and learned about charting, coordinates, white caps, and learned how to steer the boat. On Active Watch students recorded the wind direction and force, types of clouds, direction of the sea and how deep the water was at certain parts. We also learned how to record and read the oil pressure, RPM, and coolant temperature on both the port and starboard sides. For lunch we had fish tacos and coleslaw and dinner was spaghetti and meatballs.
Tonight before bed, we will muster again, play a game for our evening activity, learn our night watch assignments and admire all the beautiful yachts and sailboats in a St.Thomas marina where we will spend the next two nights.