Gifft Hill School (Day 2)

Vieques, Puerto Rico


The night watch started at 0000 and the first thing we did was identify where our bearings were to see if we drifted, and then we took a stroll down into the galley and then we were met with a bowl of chocolate chip cookies which we all took one of and quickly consumed them. Following the cookies, we checked the bilges in the galley and the main hold to see if there was an abundance of water, and we entered the engine room to inspect the inside. We were met with the two engines (Patty and Selma). Next, we came back to check our bearings with a hand bearing compass and took bearings to identify our position. We wrote down this information into the log book. Then, we played the night watch game and went to bed. During morning, we woke up at 0720 and watchgroup A started to prep for breakfast which was french toast and hashbrowns with Nutella, syrup, ketchup and peanut butter. Then we worked together to raise the anchors by placing two handles into the windlass and cranked the anchor up. After that, we raised the sails and set sail for Vieques at 240. The three watchgroups took turns on driving the boat, rest and relaxation, and tying knots while learning about sailor tattoos and their significance. During the sail, we had lunch which was broccoli macaroni with chicken, with gluten free and vegetarian options. Once we arrived at Vieques, we took in sails and set the anchor. Once the anchor was set, we all took turns going aloft on the fore and the main masts. We were strapped up in harnesses for safety in case we slipped and fell. Once everyone was down, we all jumped into the water. Then, everybody came up and ate dinner. The dinner was enchiladas, rice, and salad with ranch and italian dressing. Then, everybody went to go and do their chores.


Gifft Hill School (Day 3)


Gifft Hill School (Day 1)