Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 6

Off the coast of Portland, ME

Ship’s Log written by Fritz, Vicky, Jo, and Noel

August 20, 2024

Hello, today was quite eventful. We went up on shore at Hog Island. It’s a bird conservation island. We saw many real life models of different birds and of course the one that stuck out to me the most were the puffins. I also saw their beautiful gardens and we went on a hike where I saw lots of different kinds of mushrooms. There was also plenty of uscila (not sure how to spell that) on the trees which meant the air quality is extremely good. The uscila grow 1 cm every decade and on the island it was plentiful and long. To describe it it’s like a moss almost but stringy and a teal color instead of green. I did see some, however, that were not as vibrant and more green in color. I will do more research at the end of the trip to see why that is. Hog island was really fun overall with lots of hiking. We are currently doing continuous sailing. It is 9:23 pm or in military/sailing time 21:23. We have made it out of the lobster pot field and boy am I cold.


Heyy everyone its Vicky again. Something I saw today were seals on a tiny rock they were so cute. My favorite part of the boat is the quarter deck but at night when we are under way its so beautiful and breath taking. The wind hitting the sails the little side convos its the best. And the other night I had my first and so far last boat dream where I got stuck in the laz and it was totally dark, but then I woke up and was a little out of breath and I thought I was still in the laz because it was soooo dark then I grabbed the curtain and I was fine. So thats boat life now much love to my family and friends back home and also a BIG hug to my dog Rico, I miss him ALOT. They say theres no place like home but I think theres no place better then the people you call home<3.


Hello, today we explored Hog Island, Maine, it was lots of fun, we collected trash on the beach, collected Green Crabs which we released afterwards, and we went hiking. After getting back to the boat we started getting ready to head out, it took longer than expected but we did it. Now we’re on our way back to Boston. I cannot wait to get home and see my cats and friends. I have no idea what I’ve been dreaming about this whole trip. Everytime I wake up in the morning I don’t remember. Maybe it’s a good thing.


Howdy people, today marks the beginning of our return trip, which I am honestly a bit excited for, I miss my creature comforts, I also enjoy our watch rotation system a lot. Today we visited Hog Island, which belongs to the National Audubon Society. It was a nice day there and was our final chance to stretch our legs before the return journey which was nice. Our exit was delayed by the anchor acting up and getting caught up in itself which was annoying but only temporary. Once we got going everything was alright, it was nice being able to see all the islands without all of the fog. I saw a few seals on a rock, all blubbery and round. They bounced around as they pleased before sliding back into the water and going wherever they needed to be. I think my favorite spot on deck is the bowsprit or my bed. The bowsprit is very peaceful in the morning and gives a great location to observe everyone and everything moving about, I like my bed for obvious reasons, primarily because its warm. I have yet to experience any “boat dreams” but am interested in what makes them so unique. I have nothing else to report, see y’all later.



Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 7


Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 5