Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 5

Hurricane Island, ME

Ship’s Log written by Nico, Edmund, Clara, and Hailley

August 19, 2024

A Watch

Today I saw super cool Buoys that had the flag of Sierra Leone on it. My favorite spot on the boat is aloft because you can see real far and it is very tall and fun to climb. One boat dream that I have had is I was at the piston cup and was rooting for the red socks… who knows how dreams work. Hi mom this is getting posted on the website. One thing I really like about the boat is that we get good meals for example we had some good rice and beans and cheese, pretty good. Today on the boat we gave tours to some people. The boat was really fun to steer, I was dodging buoys like bullets.

-Nicoiiiii the boiiiiiiii (Aka Nico)

One highlight of today was the awesome fog which developed around Main essentially the entire time we stayed there. Although it decreased visibility considerably, it added a memorable ambiance which was unlike anything I would see back home. Although I enjoy many parts of the boat for different reasons, my two favorite spots have to be the bowsprit and the helm. I appreciate the bowsprit because it allows you to observe the entirety of your location and metaphorically and literally breath it all in. As for the helm, I like it for fairly obvious reasons: steering can be very fun, particularly in more active areas and is just generally an enjoyable space. I can't remember any particular dreams I've had, however I do remember all of the hilarious scenarios which have arised from being woken up for midnight watch. One example is when I accidentally jump scared my friend via waking up “too fast.” Regardless, the past few days have been so so rewarding and I am excited to sail throughout the nights on the way home! Tofay i swaw a wreully coowl wave tat wa; liek reawly cooul an stoof :)

-Edmund Makowski-Scott

One thing I saw today as we were sailing to Hog Island was lots of fog. As the fog lifted, there were so many beautiful islands everywhere. All the islands consisted of trees, rocks, and beaches and were all gorgeous. I also saw so many buoys. There were crazy amounts of lobster pots everywhere that we had to steer around. My favorite parts of the boat are the bowsprit and the galley. Specifically the far left table. Lots of students gathered in the galley and we played games, watched movies and did many fun activities. The bowsprit is always fun and when there are waves, it feels like a rollercoaster. I cannot remember any dreams I have had from this trip, but last time, I would have a dream where I woke up on deck in the middle of a storm.


Hey, today is Monday surprisingly, not having a watch makes it pretty difficult to tell the time and date on this boat. Today we saw a lot of lobster pots and some seals which was pretty nice. Its been pretty foggy the last couple of days though so earlier while we were sailing I didnt see land till we were about 5 miles away. One dream I’ve had on this boat is of Matt eating all the goldfish which was pretty funny to me. Sleeping on this boat is all over the place due to anchor watch, nighty watch while underway and chores. Therefore my favorite place on the boat is my bunk, every chance I get to take a nap I do. The fan is pretty loud but it works really well, the rocking of the boat plus the fan really helps me sleep pretty fast. We have 3 days left and I’m sure theyll go pretty well. Thats all for today. :)



Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 6


Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 4