Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 4

Hurricane Island, ME

Ship’s Log written by Onyx, Talia, and Matt

August 18, 2024

C Watch


My rose today was that I was able to get some alone time and I sat with one of the professional crew on a very nice rock for 2 hours. It was very calm and a nice break from the hustle and bustle of the Denis Sullivan on a normal day. My thorn today was that it was very misty so everything is slowly getting wetter and wetter which is pretty annoying. My bud is another few days of nonstop sailing while we head back to the great state of Massachusetts.

One connection I have made is with another one of the students in my watch named Talia. Talia and I get along very well and have made lots of memories together already.

One cool thing I saw today was a little mink l swimming to a little island not far from the rock I was sitting on. I had no idea that they could swim but we watched it go from the main island to smaller rocks to the other smaller island that we walked to later at low tide.


Hi everyone. I'm doing really good today. Today we got to go on land and explore an island. It was super duper fun. My rose today was hiking and hanging out with all the crew and other students. I also got to eat wild Maine blueberries. My bud today was looking forward to making more connections and sailing more. My thorn today wasn't really there. On the island today we looked at scallops and then took a long hike and went through rocks and hung out on the beach. I found a crab claw and a crab exoskeleton and it was super cool. We also had our first swim call. The water was numbing cold but it was super fun and then Maddy braided my hair and then I braided one of my crewmates Onyx's hair. One connection I have made is with all my crewmates and especially one of my friends on my watch. Everyone is super duper nice. I miss you guys but I am having fun and I'm not seasick at all. The food is super good and I tried a raw scallop today. I like sailing on this boat and hanging out with my new friends.


Today my rose was that we got to Maine today and we actually got on land for the first time in 2 days and my bud is that I can't wait to get to Hog island because I heard it is pretty nice over there and it supposedly has a lot of hogs over there. And my thorn is that I had to swim in freezing cold water in order to wash ourselves and it was somewhat worth it in the end.

I am friends with everyone on the boat, but one of the connections that I feel I've made is with Leo since he seems to know a lot more about sailing than I do since he has a lot more experience and shows an extreme amount of interest in it. I honestly admire him since he is very nice and helps me out a lot when I'm having trouble doing something around the boat and he educates me on topics that I might not be that well informed on.

One cool thing that I saw today was the scallops at Hurricane Island because they were big and tasty because we ate the big ones by putting a knife inside of their mouth and breaking their muscles so that their mouth will open and from there we ate some of their insides and the small baby scallops we put in a bin so that they can grow and turn into big scallops.


Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 5


Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 3