Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 7

Off the coast of Newburyport, MA

Ship’s Log written by Talia, Vicky and Jo

August 21, 2024

Hi everyone, we're almost home and only have one more day! I'm sad and happy at the same time. We had another on land excursion and went hiking which was super fun. I found like 29 Green Crabs. We got to see whales yesterday which was really cool. Right now we're on anchor watch in Gloucester and will leave for Boston in the morning. I am going to wake up early to swim. I'm excited to go home but sad to leave the boat.

- Talia

Heyy people, it's me yet again writing to you at 3 am on Denis Sullivan. My favorite part of this program has been night sailing. There's nothing better and even though we only did it twice, I am endlessly grateful and I wrote and read a poem I made about inspired by many of the people on this boat and friends and family back home. Something I'll be taking with me is the names of different sails, they are not all the main. One thing I learned about myself is how much I love potatoes but also I am very willing to try new things like going aloft or doing a polar plunge later today. But anyways as much as I love it here, I miss my dog and family. So farewell and till we meet and sail again.

- Vicky

Hey everyone, my favorite part about this program was going swimming in Maine. Even though the water was freezing, I still had a good time. One thing I am going to take home with me is a necklace that I made with a shell that I found on Hurricane Island. This week I've learned how to be more social with others. Hopefully this is a skill that will stay with me for the next few years. Finally I say farewell friends, if fate allows us to meet again then so shall it be.

- Jo


Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 6