Summer Ambassador Program: Day 9

Great Misery Island, MA

Ship’s Log written by students Cortez, Bodhi Kai, Leah, and Aiden

August 9, 2024

Hi grandma we sailed today without the motor.n total i caught about 12-15 mackerel and 3 pollok. I'm having a great time. I really want a root beer float. the deep rich flavor of the dark root beer mixed with the succulent vanilla notes of the ice cream, all wrapped up in that beer stein. We ate the mackrell that we caught and also the pollok. I miss greyson. we set 7 sails today it was fun. im hungry bye!!!

Bohdi Kai:

Today we sailed, for the first time this trip, under sail alone! On our way to Great Misery Island, we set the mainsail as well as the fore and mizzen, plus ALL the head sails (I got to climb out on the bowsprit to untie and retie said sails).

today i really got seasick and almost threw up. but overall our personal chef Jake made us really good food it was seaweed with fish and rice. I also rizzed up Amelia <3 love you mami !!!!

Hi mom! Currently we are in Massachusetts and on an island called the great misery island. We set almost all the sails today which was seven of them, we also caught so much mackerel and pollock (a white meat fish) I also ate mackerel for the forst time and I think i would really like it.Anyway I love you, goodnight.


Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 1


Summer Ambassador Program: Day 8