Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 1

Gloucester, MA

Ship’s Log written by students Joli, Noel, Vicky, and Fritz

August 15, 2024


Hi Mom and Dad. Today we sailed to Gloucester. We hit a bit of rain on the way there but we made it. I'm looking forward to better weather in the future.


Hi to whoever reads this. First day went well with us reaching Gloucester, parking in Boston sucked so much but I'm happy I was able to make it. We left port and filled up on Diesel in case of a lack of wind, a while after lunch we encountered a good patch of rain which we were trying to avoid but it was more annoying than anything else. Now we are operating solely off of sail power it is so peaceful, the engine isn't too loud but it's better quiet. I'm looking forward to the coming days and hope for more cool stuff.



People back at home, I'm Vicky and I have 3 dogs and love the color blue. Now that we're familiar lets talk about today and my adventures so far. First I met a lot of different people all of whom I'm happy to be with for the next week. I cant wait to know everyone more and learn more about the boat, like today I was relearning the balentine coil and a couple knots I forgot. Things I look forward to is more sailing ofc swimming and hopefully more rain. I can't wait for the exciting new adventures and lessons. The path forward is the path to success. Also sending much love and hugs to my family and friends at home.:)


Hello, my first day was a little rough. I had just left home after Hurricane Ernesto. I stayed up really late trying to catch my flight from Puerto Rico due to my flight being delayed 4 times. I left Puerto Rico at about 3:20am. I slept on the plane a little and got to Boston around 7:20 am. Maddy and the crew members were amazing in providing me with what I needed and made sure I got some rest. When I woke we set sail and maybe an hour in we furled the sails and switched to motor due to the weather. While it was raining some of the student crew members and I went down to the gally and played card games. It was pretty fun bonding and getting to know the knew crew members as well as catching up with the crew program members I met in the winter ambassador. Overall it was a pretty nice first day and dinner was amazing. Shoutout to Jake. :)


Advanced Summer Ambassador Program: Day 3


Summer Ambassador Program: Day 9