Summer Ambassador Program: Day 8

Rockport, MA

Ship’s Log written by students Ace, Teddy, Lizzie, Sabrina, and Mycal

August 8, 2024


You know, being on this boat has made me realize two things. Firstly, it is possible to live without my phone. Though I did know this already, with experiments I've done in the past and at JSA, I've never really just 'thrown away my phone' for a week. I have been trying to get away from my phone usage as much for a while but a minimalist lifestyle is for sure possible in this day and age.

Though on the same end, you also loose contact with the world. For instance, the Olympics is going on right now, yet I have no idea of howe medals stand. One of the most important elections in American history is underway, and I have no clue how the polls are doing. In fact, Trump or Kamala could die for all I may imagine, & I wouldn't know. The weather has also been a concern. Now, it's hurricane season, and I have no clue in the world what developments are underway.

My time here has been great and I've made a lot of friends. With plenty of time to journal and read, it's just like home, though I have been longing to move my legs around a bit. To be honest, everyone else has been saying as well, but they can't wait to finally go home and sleep in their bed. There's just something about familiarity that drives us back to what we know most. I've had my fun, and I'm grateful for the experience, and thankfully, I know with 100% certainty, that the boat life... just ain't for me!

See you all, and Princess, when I come back. Though I won't be looking forward to school much-


Hi mom! So Today has been a great day! I have caught my first Fish today! i caught 5 in one day! i hope to catch more!

Ps,Yes we are eating them! love you mom. your oldest girl. see you in 2days.


I've had fun, I've learn to live without electrics, but I'm tried and want to go home. I only have 2.5 days left, but it feels like a lifetime. I miss you guys, the dog, and my house. can't wait top see you all again<3. (please bring the dog with you guys when you go to pick me up)


Since last time I wrote I have gone through a couple things, I've seen whales, dolphins, seals, and caught a fish. I also keep getting sunburnt on my face severely. It's a bit frustrating but I'll be fine. I already knew I could go without my phone, however I do miss being in contact with the rest of the world. I'm happy to go home, but also sad to say goodbye to the boat and my friends.


In the past couple of days, I have seen more whales and other sea creatures, caught my first fish and helped start a large session of fishing, and have had even more fun since the last log. Hoping to catch a tuna before heading home, see you guys in a few days!


Summer Ambassador Program: Day 9


Summer Ambassador Program: Day 7