Summer Ambassador Program: Day 4

Boothbay Harbor, ME

Ship’s Log written by students Jayden, Amelia, and Naomi

August 4, 2024


My favorite part of the trip was when we caught a good bit of mackerel. This trip was not what expected because I always got seasick. I learned how to do knots. i slept a lot during the day.


My favorite part of this trip so far was going to the aquarium and holding Neptune! The trip was different than I expected for sure. I learned how to tie different knots and how to do anchor checks at night. I did chores, talked with my friends, fished for a bit(caught nothing), and memorised all the sail names!


today was another fun day we went to an aquarium and ran around in the field. We learned more about the sails and ropes and I'm getting better at remembering the names and also learning how to do a headstand. My favorite part of the trip is either bow watch or steering and I love doing stuff with the charts. and we've been swimming a couple times already. It was super fun. Oh and we got to sleep on deck but woke up at 3am cause it was raining i probably would have slept through it if they didn't wake me up. but hopefully we'll get to do it again but i'm having so much fun


Summer Ambassador Program: Day 5


Summer Ambassador Program: Day 3