Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 5

Rockport, MA

Ship’s Log written by students Naomi, Ellie, Alex, Kaden, and Derek

Ju1y 23, 2024

Naomi: Today we did a bunch of fun stuff, this morning we went to the Gloucester museum and got to walk around and see all the beautiful paintings. I got some gifts for my family in the cute gift shop and then we went to the park and ran around all over the place. I raced my friends, played tag in the playground and ate snacks, once we headed back we set off for Rockport. This trip im very proud of the fact 1) im taking lots of photos of my friends and the things we see and 2) how much i've learned about the boat and that i'm starting to remember more and more things- from helping raising the sails to being able to do my chores efficiently and being apart of my team. I've made such great memories of this trip and had a great time. I also feel so accomplished and just overall more calm and happy sailing. Truly a camp I'll never forget and hope to come back to.

Ellie: This week has been a blast! Being able to make so many memories and having these experiences has really made this trip worth taking! After this is over I truly think I will be swaying for a week, I'm gonna miss not having the rocking of the boat. Even though the days feel long, the week has been going by so fast and I'm not ready for it to end; not seeing these people every night before I go to bed and every morning when I wake up is definitely not something I look forward to.

Alex: In Gloucester there are a bunch of large fish under the dock, you can see them when you're going up the ramp. The past few days I've been writing a lot in my journal, around two pages per day. We've seen a lot of wild animals like whales and ducks. There were some ducklings by Great Misery Island, and there were some baby seagulls in Gloucester. The baby seagulls were kinda ugly, but in a cute way. Their legs looked way too long for their bodies, and their feathers were greyish and fluffy.

Kaden: In Gloucester there were so many striped bass under the docks, I wasn't able to fish there but I had a great conversation with the Captain, (Kevin of course) where we talked about his work at the Isles of Shoals and fishing the Cocheco River among other things. We made it to Rockport Maine where I was able to fish along with Alex and Rowan. I was actually able to hook into a sizable cod that shook the hook right after leaving the water. I loved the surprise of getting ice cream in Gloucester which we weren't even supposed to go ashore that night, the ice cream place had some clever marketing as it was named the "Holy Cow '' with it being right next to a church. I also got a full night's sleep last night for the first time:).

Derek: Many things have happened since the last time I typed this. We got to touch land at Great Misery Island and we walked around seeing a bunch of ruins with my friends. We also went swimming but the water was really cold so I don't really think I'll be going swimming that much on the trip. We also got to eat ice cream at Gloucester and then later the other day we came back to then go play at the park right next to the same place. I just played basketball with my friends, but it was fun to finally get exercise that day- and that was all that has happened.


Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 6


Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 4