Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 4

Gloucester, MA

Ship’s Log written by students Raegan, Willow, Julian, Marcus, and Savanna

Ju1y 22, 2024


today we had a lot of laughs we also were able to go and see and tour another ship. I like the chocolate muffins that they had on night watch and the banana bread. love you mom and papa.


Hiiii mom and dad, I miss you guys soooo much but im having a lot of fun. this week we saw sharks, whales, dolphins,and seals. love you guys and ill see you soon!


Hi ma and pa, the week has been super fun. We've seen whales, sharks and dolphins. The food is really good as well.


Hi mom and dad, its been a lot of fun this week seeing animals like Whales, Sharks, as well as Dolphins. See you guys soon.


Hiiiii Dad! It's been so fun here, even though today I started to feel a bit homesick. I miss sleeping with Rex and Cody coming to wake me in the morning. I bet they're warming up to you again lol. I wonder if Mom can bring Cinco to the parade. On other notes, I've seen so many animals! Whales, Dolphins, SunFish, and a SHARK!! And I totally did not get a sunburn :) ... I also got to sit on the very front of the boat like in the pictures, it was so fun! Wow, I've written a lot so I'll end here. Love you Dad!! Give the cats lots of love from me!


Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 5


Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 3