Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 3

Beverly, MA

Ship’s Log written by students Aubrey, Caden, Fennec, Riley, Richard, and Brogan

Ju1y 21, 2024


Doing work on the boat is pretty rewarding, it's fun to work with others, to learn about different parts of the boat and rules that you'd probably never think of.

It's nice to feel the breeze after raising the sails with your crew. It makes you feel quite proud, and you have lots of fun on the way.


Today i learned how to tie highway mans cut away knot. Something i hope to do on the boat is climb to the top of the mast.

Last night on watch i had a really delicious chocolate muffin at midnight.


Today was fun because C watch (the best watch) was doing the creature feature, which is when we research a sea creature and write about it on a

white board. we also got to go swimming today, which was very chilly, but still relaxing!


Today it was a lot of fun because we got to see whales, dolphins, and sharks swimming pretty close to the boat. We also got to go swimming for the first time and got to take saltwater showers. I learned how to tie the rope to the pin and am super good at it. Last night I also did night watch and had to wake up at like 11. The staff and everybody on the boat are really nice though.


Today I did work on the boat such as setting up lunch for the ship, filling out the boat check twice and filling out information for the Anchor Watch, and other things I don't remember off of the top of my head. The fact that actually getting a good night's rest on a boat in the middle of the ocean surprised me because with all of the rocking back and forth the boat does while it's anchored I thought for sure I wouldn't get all that much sleep, but I was proven wrong. I hope I can remain my status of being funny and being "king" to 2/3 of my Watch because that makes me happy and I like having friends that like to talk to me.


what did I do today, today I did the sails and steered the ship and ate a muffin, today was a good day, I had fun


Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 4


Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 2