Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 6

Rockport, MA

Ship’s Log written by students Caden, Fennec, Riley, Richard, and Brogan

Ju1y 24, 2024


Yesterday I fulfilled my dream of climbing the mast. Today I had delicious food such as brownies and tacos. I attempted to fish but only caught seaweed.


TACO NIGHT!!! I almost forgot the nice smell of a taco :( We also learned how to tie a constrictor knot! we're having a talent show later today and c watch made a diss-track against the others and we're definitely gonna win hehe!


Yesterday I got to climb the loft and it was really high but a lot of fun, and I was last so I got to stay up longer than everybody else. I got to shower today so I feel much more clean. I also had night watch yesterday but had like the best group so it was a lot of fun. The food that the chef makes is also sooooooo good. I also learned some different types of knots and I'm pretty good at them.


I learned how to tie knots on the boat and did not do very well with it. I ate food that was pretty good and enjoyed it. I took a shower using the cold ahh ocean and saved my hair from being any more greasy and grimy. I am funny hahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahha.


Today, I ate a brownie, the brownie was delicious and gooey and chocolatey, I enjoyed it very much and had a splendid time eating said brownie, except for the fact that I had to clean it up off the sole, that wasn't too fun, at least brownie was good. I also hauled the anchor, but that isn't as thoroughly enjoyable as the brownie. We also learned some knots and attempted to identify some of the lines, today was windy, the bucket shower was fun.


Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 7


Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 5