Senior Summer Ambassador 2022: Day 3

Provincetown, MA USA

Log Entry by B Watch (Garrett, Angela, Allison, Jovany)

Sunday, July 31, 2022

On our second full day we woke up and did chores. For B watch, we did soles and bowls. Bowls mean cleaning the heads and soles mean cleaning the floor of the fish, where all of us students sleep. Then we had breakfast which was pancakes with pecans and cranberries. After breakfast we did dishes. After dishes, we had muster (our term for meeting) and loose gear adrift (a lost and found auction where you have to dance to get the gear you left out back.) Following that, we did a man overboard drill. We were pretty successful with it, saving our “man overboard” (represented by a fender) quickly.

After we did the drill, we raised all 4 sails. Then the 3 watch groups went into roles. We went into active watch for 2 hours. B watch did active watch where some were at the helm driving the boat, another on standby where they waited and if they were needed they helped out, and we had a bow watcher up front making sure we didn’t hit things. After a while we would switch. Then it was time for lunch. For lunch we had potatoes and hot dogs which were yummy. After lunch and dishes our captain gave us a lovely lesson on whales since we were approaching whale territory and we were trying to spot some whales. Then we had seamanship as our next rotation and we did a safety gear check where we made sure all of our safety gear is nice and nothing is missing.

After we did a safety check we finished up our watch flag. Each group gets their own watch flag and B watch’s flag looks nice. After we finished up our flag we had R & R, which is basically a group resting time where one can nap, journal, or just hang around. After we had our break, Aurora gave us a nice Shanty lesson and we learned some traditional sailing songs and we even sang a couple. After the shantys we lowered our sails and anchored. Then we “showered.” After we took our shower we all got changed and dry, and we ate dinner. Dinner was curry, rice, and lemon bread (Focaccia.) Then after we finished up dinner we did our nightly chores. B watch was on dishes so we washed all the dishes.

After chores we had our muster and we gave many shout outs and then it was our free time to just hang out. We were also given the option to make turksheads, which is a cool bracelet. It was lights out at 10:00 for most of us but some people were still on anchor watch and they saw bioluminescence.


Senior Summer Ambassador 2022: Day 4


Senior Summer Ambassador 2022: Day 2