Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge 2022: Day 4
Portsmouth, NH USA
Log Entry by C Watch (Ava, Hannah, Ben M., Liam)
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Today we started our morning by putting the sails up to journey to the isle of shoals. After, we had breakfast and then started our chores which was cleaning the fish soles and bowls (floors and toilets). Later we practiced learning the names of the different pins for the olympics on Friday. We took a nice nap before lunch. When we woke up from our naps we all learned sailor shanties, and sailed by the Isle of Shoals. It was too windy in the Isle of Shoals, so Captain Wells decided to go to Portsmouth. We took the sails down, but we had to do it fast because of the strong current. We anchored in Portsmouth which has the second most current in the US. For dinner the cook made us burgers with some chips, and lemonade. Once dinner was over we started our evening chores. We were assigned to wash dishes. We got to listen to music, so it was super fun!! We were all jamming together just having a grand good time. After our chores and rocking out we played our evening game, salad bowl. Its like charades but each round you can only do one thing for example, the first round is only words and no actions. The second round is only actions and then the third round is just one word. It was a fun day sailing. It was long, but that means a goodnight sleep and rest for the next day.