Junior Summer Ambassador 2022: Day 7

Provincetown, MA USA

Log Entry by Asa, Adam, Ella, Jackie, Jehu

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Our watch did deck wash and it was fine. After deck wash, we went aloft. Going aloft means climbing up Roseway's shrouds (the black "ladders" that reach up to the masts) towards the tippy top of the masts. It was fun and kinda scary at the same time. Once they were finished going aloft, Asa, Jehu and Adam helped Rob in the small boat cleaning the hull of the ship. When all the students were finished going aloft we got back on deck and we got an unexpected surprise... DUNKIN DONUTS delivery. Next we took off to the Cape Cod Canal and had lunch. Once out of the canal we set sail and headed to Provincetown. Then we dropped anchor and had swizzle practice and dinner. The Swizzle is a talent show where students are able to show off their stuff. We did chores and when the chores was finished we had the swizzle! Some cool acts were Rob when he was playing the guitar and singing a song called jimmy giraffe and Ben and Roman doing star wars and Asa doing Kumalla.


Junior Summer Ambassador 2022: Day 8


Junior Summer Ambassador 2022: Day 6