Williams-Mystic aboard Roseway 2022: Day 3

Great Brewster Island, Boston, MA USA

Log Entry by Williams-Mystic Students

Monday, October 3, 2022

0700 we woke & were summoned to the deck. Hark Ye Old Sailor folk who darest treadsists these seas. Twas a dreary day and the devil lingered in the aire. How our soules ached for sailing, but the cursed wind did beach us here. Down below the hull creaked with the sound of a thousand lost souls & the water pressure pump. Nicholas, the wizard of the engine room, toiled in his dark putrid enclave.

We sailor folk were gifted pet ropes to knot into lines. We learned the ancient wisdom of the pins (with C watch being the most valiant & brave). A watch, the scoundrels, were abjectly inferior.

Lunch was delicious.

A few brave souls ventured aloft on the fore. It felt like climbing Babel; God’s hands touched us & temporarily shielded us from the devil’s blows. For the proposed morrow’s sailing we joined in merriment & sung the halyards songs aloud. Dishes were a daunting task but the fortitude of the crew mustered on. The kingdom of Marika and Deion (most courageous & triumphant) prevailed in a game of intellect.


From Milwaukee to Manitowoc: Preparing for the Journey Ahead


Williams-Mystic aboard Roseway 2022: Day 2