Williams-Mystic aboard Roseway 2022: Day 1
Great Brewster Island, Boston, MA USA
Log Entry by C Watch
Saturday, October 1, 2022
On October 1st, 2022, the Williams Mystic Coastal Studies Program set sail from Boston Harbor on their transit south to Mystic Seaport. The day was gray and wet but spirits were high. The pasta and focaccia were delicious. The atmosphere was filled with joyous wonderment. The waves rocked the ship and the students waited anxiously for the motion of the ocean to overcome them - but so far no one fell prey. Boston twinkled in the distance. Far away, but perhaps not so far that - a desperate student could not reach alive or dead. We hope to maintain all our crew :) Today we learned line handling and attempted to learn 32 names on the ride. I have a dog name Oreo, I wish I could’ve brought him onboard.