Colorado Springs School (Day 9)

St. Croix, USVI


THE (other) HEAD BROKE, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, this is A Group, the Fantastic Associates, and the heads broke. Yeah, both. It staaaaaaank! One broke yesterday, the other broke today. It kinda casted a dark shadow of a cloud over our day, but our spirits didn’t break yet, especially not on our last full day aboard the Denis Sullivan! Today was honestly amazing, and the best part (the super special spectacular talent show) is yet to come. First, we hauled the anchor back to the ship on Green Key and sailed over to Buck Island, a nearby island to the East. I heard that National Geographic called it one of the most beautiful beaches in the ENTIRE WORLD!! Once we completed our wet landing on the beach, the majority of our group went snorkeling. They saw an octopus, buried Brody in the sand, and built a magnificent sand castle with a tail attached to it. Meanwhile, Dr. Hillman and I (Tristan, our fabulous writer) went on a hike to an observation point on one of the highest points of the island. But before we could even get our bags up, a pod of around five dolphins circled our boat for practically the rest of the time we were anchored there. Finally, we had lunch.

In the afternoon, we sailed back near Christiansted Harbor and got to have one of our only town walks on St. Croix. We had ice cream on the house (thank you, Dr. Hillman (though it was literally our own money) for free ice cream) and then split off into small groups. We scoured the town and bought many souvenirs and snacks. As we were spending our money on WAY TOO OVERPRICED gifts for our families, the crew fixed the head!! Thank the Lord, praise them all. We returned to our ship and had our final swim call, quite sad. Afterwards, we all practiced constantly for the Swizzle! The Swizzle is our talent show that we’ve been prepping for this entire voyage, and tonight is the night. In just a couple of minutes, we will be performing, laughing, crying, booing, and having an amazing time for the last time we’re on a boat for a long time. Well, we’ll see ya very soon, families and friends. This has been the A Watch Group on the Denis Sullivan, signing off. See ya!


Gifft Hill School (Day 1)


Colorado Springs School (Day 8)