Summer Ambassador Program: Day 6

Casco Bay, ME

Ship’s Log written by students Leah, Aiden, Bodhi Kai, Cortez, and Deja

August 6, 2024

I really wanna go home man. I miss my bed. Love you madre!

Hi mom, today we went from Boothbay harbor Maine to Casco Bay. Yesterday we went ashore and got ice cream and also did other things. I whacked my ankle on one of the metal pieces so I'm gonna get ice to put on it. I'm going to ask mems for a lobster when I get back. Love you!

Bodhi Kai:

Yesterday we went to shore for the second time this trip. We spent the whole day in BoothBay, Maine, and my shipmates and I walked to a park, where I was able to swim and play games. After that we had ice cream--I had peppermint stick--and went to a museum/active shipyard. Today we sailed from said harbor to Portland, where we are now. On the way, I steered the ship through a minefield of lobster pots and climbed to the end of the bowsprit (don,t worry, I was wearing a harness!). I love you, mama, I am having fun!

Cortez S:

Hello we're on our way back to boston they didn't let me buy lobster rolls in maine that was really mean.i caught a fish it was slimy, then we killed it so we can eat it later.i like food, food is good. I miss my bed, my dog, and my game. We climbed to the very front of the boat called the bowsprit. It's that pointy part at the very front. We went to a shipyard. It was very cool because I know how to build boats.we got ice cream. I'm hungry right now, I want a root beer float.please get root beer and vanilla ice cream for me. bye! I'M HUNGRY!!!


um today jake made my fav meal and he's made really good midrats for us like his famous apple cake . Then he made lemon tea cake and BROWNIES! my fav and they were so chewie and Good and jake is the best !


Summer Ambassador Program: Day 7


Summer Ambassador Program: Day 5