Summer Ambassador Program: Day 1

Gloucester, MA

Ship’s Log written by students Amelia, Jayden, Naomi, and Max

August 1, 2024


I learned how to communicate, and different ways to roll up ropes. I am looking forward to becoming better friends with my shipmates,and learning more about the ship. My favorite thing I did today was making friends!


I learned how to hand coil and something I'm looking forward to is fishing, and eating big fish. My favorite thing I did today was taking naps.


Today I got a bunch of refreshers of what and where things are and even got to help people learn. I'm super happy to be back and I'm with some fun people. My favorite thing I did today was eat. Very good food. Super excited to swim whenever that will be and I got to steer the ship some more today. Looking forward to tomorrow and everyday after. And I got a really big bunk so I'm super comfy and I already took a nap. This is gonna be a fun camp.


I look forward to swimming and sleeping on deck with my sister and her friend.

My favorite thing I did today was meet new people and sleep for 2 hours on the bot.

I'm looking forward to telling my mom what I did on the boat when I get back home.


Summer Ambassador Program: Day 2


Sail Portsmouth Sea Challenge: Day 7