Junior Summer Ambassador 2022: Day 3

Point Judith, RI, USA

Log Entry by A Watch

Sunday, July 3, 2022

We woke up to delicious blueberry pancakes in Buzzards Bay. We caught crabs and a welch. We also got lots of waves and they were rough. We did sea-men ship and learned about knots. We learned the bowline, reef knot, and we learned about sharks. The sharks were Lemon sharks, Goblin sharks, Whale sharks, and the Basking shark. We also did active watch. We take the helm, do bow watch, just be on stand-by, and play hangman . We arrived at point Judith. We played wax museum, mafia, and the adjective game. We then took down the sails, got sunburned, and took naps. People got seasick and Sienna, Cat, and Ben took care of us! We also swam in calm waters that were mildly warm. We had dinner and it was buffalo mac and cheese, plain, and vegan mac and cheese. Jeremy the seagull almost attacked Hayahn. We watched Shrek in the salon! We took care of the deck and learned about the history of the Roseway.


Junior Summer Ambassador 2022: Day 4


Junior Summer Ambassador 2022: Day 2