Alumni Spotlight: Kenny Learned
Kenny (right) with another Roseway alumni
Kenny Learned
Where are you from:
Northern NH
When/where/how long did you sail on Roseway or Denis Sullivan?:
I went twice, my brother went twice, and [sibling] AJ has gone 4 times.
First year was 2014, but actually just passed the 9 year anniversary a few days ago! July 2014 was the first SAP that I went on. The next year I came was 2016 and at that point I was a JWO. I was 13 the first year I came on! I had heard about it from one of my teachers who had sent students previously. The teacher that was running it thought I would be super interested, so she told me about it personally. I randomly applied and didn’t even tell my parents until after I applied!
What is one of your favorite memories on board Roseway?:
From my first year I think it would be meeting all the new people. My first year there, all of the students and JWOs became really close. I had only previously known two other people that were on the boat but I became just as close with the new people I met. We all bonded quickly and considered each other family after only two days. That bond was something that I cherish to this day and is something that I find extraordinary to have happened.
We had a stellar storm my first year where there was this wall of clouds, and it was insane. We were told to all wear life vests and were sitting on deck and the ship was heeling over so much. It was crazy! Another small memory was showering for my first year. We weren’t allowed to use the shower in the head so we used nature. We jumped off the side of the boat when we were anchored and then we’d climb back up to get soap. It was one of the most thrilling things I had ever done at that point in my life.
What was your favorite part of the day routine while you were living on board?:
I think my favorite part was taking care of lines and doing Balentine coils. Also the engine checks. I loved being in the engine room - I don’t know what it was but I loved being down there and checking everything. I’m one of those people, I like to know how things work.
Eating the food was also a daily highlight. The meals made during my first and second year were so amazing. Some of them were simple and a few nights we had some treats. I remember one night, I think during my second year, we had lobster mac and cheese; it was amazing.
What do you remember about anchor watches/bunks/shore excursions/etc.?:
There was one night we saw bioluminescence. It was so stinking cool. I was running my own watch that night with a bunch of younger ambassadors. It was so cool to look over the boat and see it glow.
A highlight for me was giving back to some of the communities we stopped in. It’s one thing that I really loved the most. Both years I was on, we went up the coast of ME. One time we went to a group called STRIVE, and we hung out with a bunch of their members there. STRIVE was for folks who had different kinds of disabilities. It was so fun to spend time with them and we made up a dance and had a great time!
I remember specifically one shore excursion where we were cutting away an invasive species in a park and after that hard day we all got to hang out at the park and just relax.
Who did you meet/get to know better on board?:
Well there are two that stick out, but we’re all super close still. One is named John, and he lives in St. John. We’ve been in touch for 9 years since the program and he actually came to visit me up here in NH. There was also a childhood friend of mine, Cassie, and we sort of drifted, but then we were able to go on Roseway together and rekindle that friendship and we’ve been pretty much inseparable since. She has become the person I am closest to in the world and I think that is mainly due to our time on the Roseway together. Without that trip, we might not be as close as we are. This trip is something that I am extremely grateful for.
One of the current crew members, Sam “Woody” Johnson, was on Roseway as a JWO with me! One of WOS’s recent mates this summer, Jess Kimball, was a JWO on my first trip when I was a student.
What was your impression of the crew?:
I think it was my second-year crew, they stood out to me more. Maybe because I was older or in a different position, they were so much more relatable! There was one crew member who was absolutely amazing, so cool and go-lucky and she got along with everyone. She was so headstrong and always there to help. There was also a crew member named Sam who became like an older brother to me. Everyone on board the Roseway thought I was a “mini Sam” because we were both so alike; we did not like mornings, we had to have at least two cups of coffee before we could talk to people, and we both had goofy attitudes.
Both years, the different crews were so kind and helpful for every student. I never met a crew member that I didn’t like.
What might you say to students who are thinking about coming on board for a program? What might you tell their families who are worried about letting them come?:
Well if you’re nervous, that’s normal. But everyone is going to be nervous because it’s so new to everyone. Expect a lot of first-time learning! If you get something wrong, that’s okay. Everybody is learning. You get to learn together as a community, which is one of the most beneficial things that I’ve experienced.
Did you learn anything from your experience? If so, what?:
I think being a team player and working as a community is something that has always stuck with me since then. You really have to learn how to live with someone, even if you have differences. You learn how to overcome those differences or learn how to use that to the community’s advantage. I mean I only got to know these people for 2 weeks, but you really get to know them! I learned so much from each time I was aboard Roseway, working as a team was the biggest thing I learned.
What are your goals for the future? Do you see yourself being involved in any way with the maritime industry?:
Right now I’m trying to figure out where I want to start my career. I want to be a social worker - I want to help kids and families.
Me and one of my lifelong best friends got to go on the Roseway. She and I sang and we wrote a song with all the kids about the ship. I still have it and the journal from when I was on Roseway.