Letter from the President

Dear Friend,

World Ocean School has built an outstanding track record over our 22-year history, providing transformative, hands-on educational programming for hundreds of students each year. In the past 20 months, we acquired and relaunched Denis Sullivan, trained yet another outstanding cohort of Deckhand Educators, established a new mate-in-training program, launched a new Winter Ambassador program, completed a full year of high-impact educational programming on board, and grew our operation to just over $1.7M. 2023 was the biggest year in our history! We are stewarding two iconic vessels and continuing to grow our program impact. With this momentum, what can we achieve in 2024, together? This is an exciting time and a defining moment for our future!

World Ocean School adopted a Strategic Plan in 2022 with a new vision, reframed mission, and bold strategic framework to guide us. Later that year, we acquired a second schooner, Denis Sullivan, as our powerhouse year-round educational platform, which squarely aligned with our primary goal to increase the impact of our work. This exciting and defining acquisition allowed us the space and time to restore our flagship Roseway, while continuing uninterrupted transformative World Ocean School programming aboard Denis Sullivan.

I am proud of our continued growth, our tenacity, and most of all an incredible community that believes in all that we do and in our future together. Thanks for being on board with us!

With immense gratitude,

Eden M. Leonard
President & Executive Director