Curriculum with Impact

2023 World Ocean School Curriculum Overview

Our evidence-based curriculum brought science to life for each of our 607 students through hands-on STEAM and social emotional learning modules.

Each module is adapted to the ages of the students, ensuring maximum engagement and impact across all age groups.

STEAM Curriculum Modules

Seamanship - Students learn boat and maritime safety, how to raise the sails, knot tying, line coiling, using block and tackle.

Environmental Properties - Students participate in hands-on activities to learn about the properties of buoyancy, water density, and wind direction. They learn points of sail and, using small model boats on deck, how to use wind direction to chart an effective course to reach a desired destination.

Water Testing & Habitat – Students use scientific tools to measure data related to the health of the ocean. Testing is done and data is collected for temperature, salinity, turbidity, and pH. Students discuss the types of plants and animals that live in their waters and why that ocean environment is habitable for the species that live there.

Navigation - Students learn to read a chart and practice using a compass to triangulate the ship's position.

Physics - Students explore different examples of simple machines throughout the ship's rigging including pulley systems, screws, and wedges. Mechanical advantage is explained to students by engaging them in a simple game of tug of war using a block and tackle.

Speed - Students learn the mathematical calculation for speed and run experiments to determine the speed of the boat.

English Language Arts (ELA) - Students participate in public speaking, poetry, blog writing for the ship’s log, and formal group discussion.

Social Emotional +
Life Skills Curriculum Modules

Communication – Students participate in public speaking, poetry & blog writing, and group discussion.

Teamwork - Students work together to accomplish a variety of tasks while on board, the first of which is raising the sails which are more than 90 feet tall.

Trust & Courage - Students learn both how to trust and how to be trustworthy. The module culminates in students climbing out onto the bowsprit (the wooden spar that extends off the front of the ship) and climbing the mast while tethered by a safety harness.

Resilience – Students learn that challenges are opportunities and are encouraged to strive to reach their goals, whether in onboard activities or in their personal lives.

Self-Worth - Through “I’m a Star” discussions about their goals and articulation of their personal strengths and interests, students verbalize a positive sense of self-worth and determination to persevere.