Meet The Team
Madie Li
Madie Li was born and raised in New York City. Having graduated from Barnard College with a B.A. in Astronomy, minoring in mathematical sciences last December, she sought a bit more of an adventure. She participated in a student program in 2017 aboard the Harvey Gamage, in 2019 sailing and with Odyssey Expeditions, and most recently served as the Engineer on the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater. Ever since, she’s had a thirst for getting covered in zerk grease and oil, applying a lot of brute force (where necessary), and problem solving. Combining her degree with her work, she loves to shoot local apparent noons, use celestial navigation, and stare at the abundance of stars from the ocean. In her free time, Madie enjoys bouldering, playing guitar, skateboarding, thrifting, and drawing. She is most excited about navigating the flow of the wind and the sea second nature in hopes of becoming one of the few Asian women captains aboard tall ships.