Meet the River Crew, Part II: Maddy, Jen, and Aurora

Ohio River, Mile 129

Paducah, KY

Log Entry by Program Manager Tatiana Dalton

Saturday, October 29, 2022


Welcome to Meet the River Crew, in which I will take the liberty of introducing you to each member of our crew, in no particular order. Here’s the rules:

Hometown Where did you grow up? Where do you call home?

First Boat What was the first boat you can remember sailing/motoring/paddling on? What was the first boat you joined as a crew member?

Best Wildlife What was the best wildlife you’ve ever seen on a boat?

Best Food What was the best food you’ve ever eaten on a boat?

Not Boats What is something you do or have done in your life that isn’t boat-related? Something that you care about, a hobby, a past job or experience…

Boat Pet If you could have any boat pet, what would it be and what would you name it?

Here we go!

Maddy Sandler

2022 Americorps Deckhand Educator and Program Coordinator

Maddy has been part of our crew since December 2021.

Hometown Cooperstown, NY

First Boat Lasers, which are still her favorite boats; her first tall ship was Robert C. Seamans, and the first ship she sailed on as crew was Roseway!

Best Wildlife Portuguese man-of-war in South Pacific on Seamans

Best Food When Jen Dubois made sushi with fresh-caught fish on Seamans—or really whatever any cook makes with freshly-caught fish

Not Boats Maddy loves going on walks to Mo Pond with her dog. She also used to work in legal aid with people in housing and domestic violence crisis—she liked that job quite a lot and that kind of work is still important to her.

Boat Pet She would want a girl dog named George—or maybe, as a more feasible option, a green salamander (named Red)

Jen Scholz

First Mate

Jen has been a World Ocean School relief mate since May 2022.

Hometown Franklinville, New Jersey

First Boat Her first time on a boat was during college, when she went for an afternoon sail with friends on a 30’ sailboat (on a day with no wind). In 2000, she did a transatlantic passage on the Dutch schooner Oosterschelde as guest crew, followed by a second passage from Rotterdam to Cape Verde. Her first job as crew was on the Pride of Baltimore II.

Best Wildlife One night on this transit she was on forward lookout and saw a raccoon swimming across the river right through her spotlight. In more significant news, she once saw a pod of humpback whales bubble-net feeding off Portugal.

Best Food When she worked on the schooner Angelique up in Maine, their pro chef made some really good food, notably spanakopita and steak with blue cheese butter.

Not Boats Jen loves traveling to places where she knows people so that she can experience the culture of the place along with them.

Boat Pet Although Jen has seen first-hand that boat dogs aren’t good for productivity, she would have a dog (a pit bull or boxer) named either Commodore or Mr. Wellington.

Aurora Randolph

2022 Americorps Deckhand Educator

Aurora has been part of our crew since December 2021.

Hometown West Jefferson, North Carolina and the Everglades

First Boat Her first experience on a boat was small-boat sailing with her dad—her first time as crew was on the schooner Windfall II out of Ocracoke, NC under Capt. Rob Temple

Best Wildlife Whales in Stellwagen Bank Marine Sanctuary in Massachusetts Bay, and alligators in Florida

Best Food The poke that Roseway cook Ger Tysk made from fresh tuna caught on this spring’s northbound transit from Charleston to Boston

Not Boats Environmental education and shark conservation

Boat Pet On the boat, a blue and gold macaw named Iago—in the water, a thresher shark named Speedy to swim alongside the boat


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